My research and innovation programs focus on data and technology for marketing management and business strategy.
Institutional Papers
"Measuring Asymmetric Persistence and Interaction Effects of Media Exposures Across Platforms''
With Bryan Bollinger, Wharton Consumer Analytics Initiative paper
"Corporate Social Responsibility for Kids' Sake: A Dynamic Model of Firm Participation"
With Rui Huang, UConn Zwick Center report
"Payment Choice with Consumer Panel Data"
With Marc Rysman, Boston Federal Reserve paper
"Modeling Advertising Dynamics in a Differentiated Product Marketing Merger Analysis"
With Adam Rabinowitz, UConn Zwick Center report
"The Generalized Extreme Value Choice Model for Skewed Preference"
UConn Zwick Center report
"Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Estimation in Practice"
With Philip Shaw & Tao Chen, Journal of Econometric Methods, 5 (1), 2016
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 22 (1), 2013
With Ronald W. Cotterill, The Journal of Industrial Economics, 53 (3), 2011
"A Structured Covariance Probit Demand Model"
PhD Dissertation - Awarded the 2010 Applebaum Award for best dissertation in Food Marketing in 2009